Analyst by day, developer by night, currently living in bay area, California. I enjoy the creative process behind building applications, constructing and deconstructing codes. I've built applications utilizing MEAN, Ruby on Rails and REACT. I love exploring the latest technologies, finding the sweet spot in design, and making ideas happen. Let's build fam.
Languages: HTML 5, CSS3, JavaScript, Ruby
Platforms & Frameworks: Node, Express, Rails, Angular, JQuery, Bootstrap, Cordova, Ionic, React, Redux
Database Tools: MongoDB, Mongoose, SQL, PostgreSQL, Firebase, ActiveRecord
Other: Git/GitHub, Heroku, API, AJAX, JSON, OAuth, BCrypt, Bower, EJS, SaSS, Photoshop, Illustrator
Certificate: Google Analytics
Facebook: Data Rating and Labeling Analyst II
Instagram: Product Data Integrity Analyst
Symantec: Authentication Analyst
Unfetter: Intern Developer
Macias, Gini & O'Connell LLP: Experienced Auditor
Central Computers: Sales Associate
Crate & Barrel, Euromarket Design Inc: Sales Associate
Associated Students of UCD: Lead Technical Assistant Director
San Mateo County Health Center: Surgical Scheduling Specialist Assistant
Description: Peckbox is an all purpose organizer. Peckbox creates a custom dashboard that allow users to populate notes, tasks, and events in a card-like format. Users are able to nest each cards with additional comments and apply color codes to each card. Peckbox also has group functionality allowing multiple users to create groups and create events together.
Technologies: Javascript, Angular JS, Mongoose, MongoDB, Express, BCrypt, Jwt, SSL, Google Map API, Google Place API, New York Times API, weatherunderground API, Darksky( API
Description: Being born in the 90s, Hip-Hop has always been a huge part of my identity growing up. As a rap enthusiast, I’ve always been fascinated by how artists use rap as a vessel for public sentiment, from praising the lavish to shedding light on the impoverish. Naturally with all rap encompasses, especially politically, rap has become a convenient scapegoat throughout the years for violence and misfortune. To understand rap, it is important to perceive rap as as reflection of reality and a state of mind. Rapsmatter is dedicated to spreading the positive vibes in rap, sharing quotes and discover the history behind each artists.
Technologies: Javascript(ES6), React, Redux, Webpack
Description: New York Times is an article viewer designed following The New York Times style guide with The New York Times Top Stories API, The New York Times Most viewed API, and The New York Times Search API. The minimalistic aesthetic design allow users to view the Most Popular and Top News Stories, as well as Top Stories from Technology, Business, Politics, World, Sports, and Travel without clutter.
Technologies: Javascript(ES6), React, Redux, Express, Node, The New York Times Search API, The New York Times Top Stories API, The New York Times Most Viewed API